Course Calendar  

Course Calendar  /





Math 15 — PreAlgebra

Professor Tim Busken

Email Address:


Book :  Concepts of Numbers for Arithmetic & PreAlgebra, 5th ed.
Author: Barbara Lontz
ISBN: 9781323039359
Publisher: Pearson

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picture of text

Section 50428

MTWTh 1:00 - 2:50 pm
Room: NS 359
Final: Monday, August 1st
          1:00 - 2:50 pm


10% homework
60% tests (3 tests @20% each)
30% Final Exam

Grade Scale

A   90% — 100% Excellent
B   80% — 89% Above Average
C   70% — 79% Average
D   60% — 69% Below Average
F     0% — 59% Failing

Course Description:  This course covers topics considered essential in preparation for additional coursework in science, business and mathematics, and should prepare the student for a course in beginning algebra. Topics will include history of numbers, the real number system, comparing numbers, whole numbers, signed numbers, fractions, decimals, algebraic expressions, addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, combinations of operations, ratios, percents, variables, equations and applications. We will cover all of chapters 1 through 8 in the text.

Note: This instructor reserves the right to add, change or modify the syllabus and calendar, including test days, by announcing such changes in class.


Student Learning Outcomes:
Successful students will be proficient in arithmetic with integers, rational numbers, decimals and percents.
Successful students will be able to perform operations with variable and unknown quantities.

Course Procedures::  The format of the class will be a combination of in-class activities, group work, discussion, procedures and mini-lectures. Homework will be assigned daily. Questions on homework will be discussed at each class meeting. It will be your responsibility to complete and correct homework problems and make sure you understand them.

Tests / Exams:There will be 3 in-class tests and one comprehensive final exam covering chapters 1 through 8. NO CALCULATORS WILL BE ALLOWED ON EXAMS. You will always be required to show your work to receive credit for exam problems. No electronic devices will be allowed during tests.

There will be no makeup exams. If you miss an exam due to unavoidable circumstances, and you have notified me in advance, then your final exam score will be substituted for the missed exam. If you miss more than one exam, the score of those missed exams will be zero. All exams count towards the final grade, no exams will be dropped.


Homework Policy:  A subset of the assignment will be graded. Homework is due before class on the day of the exam. Late homework may not be accepted! Show all work and do all the assigned problems. Please staple your homework before you come to class. A stapler will not be provided in the classroom.

Required Activities: I
  • Attend all class meetings.
  • Take all exams.
  • Take notes during class.
  • Participate in class discussions and activities.
  • Ask questions in class.
  • Read the textbook.
  • Complete all homework assignments.
  • Make sure you understand how to solve homework and exam problems.
  • Seek help in a timely manner.

Eight Tips for Success in Your Math Class:
  • Come to class every day, on time
  • Take notes in class
  • Take notes during class.
  • Ask questions!
  • Attempt ALL the homework ASAP after class.
  • Check all your answers in back of the book
  • Get help in oce hours, from a tutor, or from a friend. Form a study group.
  • Frequently rework a handful of problems from each section to establish better recall and execution.
  • Be POSITIVE! Hard times are only temporary!


Classroom Conduct:  Class time is valuable. You are expected to be courteous to each other and to the instructor. You will be asked to leave the class for display of behavior the instructor deems as disruptive to the class environment. This includes the use of your cell phone. If you are disruptive in class (after being warned), you could be suspended from the course for up to 2 days. Comments about another’s race, ethnicity, accent, appearance, intelligence, or sexual orientation will not be tolerated on any level. Students should be familiar with the college’s “Student Discipline Procedures.”

Class Attendance:  Class attendance is an integral part of the learning process for this course. Students are expected to attend class regularly, as well as to arrive and depart on time. Students with excessive absences (including tardiness) may be withdrawn from the class. Note that although college policy provides for a certain number of class absences, that number covers all types of absences, including absences such as those due to documented illness or other emergency; absences for illness or emergencies are not accommodated in addition to those allowable under the attendance policy. Students may be withdrawn after more than six hours absence of any kind..

Cell Phone Policy:  Cell phones, pagers, and other such electronic devices must be turned o during class and lab time. Communication by electronic devices, including but not limited to instant messaging, text messaging, and telephone, during class is strictly prohibited unless expressly designated as part of the learning activities. Use of electronic communication devices during examinations or other graded activities may constitute grounds for disciplinary action. Where emergency or employment situations require access to electronic communication services, arrangements may be made in advance with the instructor. In certain circumstances, (e.g., exams, presentations, etc.), students may be required to temporarily deposit cell phones or other communications devices with the instructor or lab supervisor for the duration of the specific class or activity.

Academic Integrity:  Cheating is considered fraud. If you are caught cheating, you may be given a Integrity: grade of “F” for the assignment or exam. Students should be familiar with the college’s Statement on academic integrity.

Resources:  Keeping up is important, as is getting help if you feel lost. Help is available! The following resources are at your disposal:

  1. Professor – Ask questions in class! Feel free to speak with me in private after class.
  2. Study groups - Form a study group with other students in the class. You will find that you can solve harder problems and write better solutions by working together. Discussing ideas with others in a group setting is a good way to improve your own understanding - Form a study group with other students in the class. You will find that you can solve harder problems and write better solutions by working together. Discussing ideas with others in a group setting is a good way to improve your own understanding
  3. Mathematics Learning Center and Computer Lab – (Main Campus) The Mathematics Learning Center provides tutoring on a walk-in basis, computer tutorials for individual practice and review and a group study area. The center is located in room E-2. To use the center you must first enroll in N BASC 202, Class #73567

25—35 Policy:  Students should expect to spend 2 hours studying outside of the classroom each week for every hour they spend in the classroom. For full-time students that would be 25–35 hours a week.